Понижения хематокрит може да се компенсира с приемане на желязо на таблетки или просто храни, богати на желязо.Lowered hematocrit (Понижен хематокрит)
Groups of individuals who are at risk for developing anemia include:
* infants who may not have adequate iron intake (Бебета, които не приемат достатъчно желязо)
* children going through a rapid growth spurt, during which the iron available cannot keep up with the demands for a growing red cell mass
* women in childbearing years who have an excessive need for iron because of blood loss during menstruation
* pregnant women, in whom the growing baby creates a high demand for iron.
* patients with chronic kidney disease, as their kidneys no longer secrete sufficient levels of the hormone erythropoietin, which stimulates red blood cell production by the bone marrow.
Iron Rich Foods containing Non-Heme Iron (found in vegetable sources)
Excellent Sources
# Enriched breakfast cereals
# Cooked beans and lentils
# Pumpkin seeds
# Blackstrap Molasses
Good Sources
# (Canned) beans
# Baked potato with skin
# Enriched pasta
# (Canned) asparagus, broccoli, swiss chard, parsley, watercress, brussel sprouts
Iron Absorption Inhibitors
* Red Wine, Coffee & Tea
* Vegetables: Spinach, chard, beet greens, rhubarb and sweet potato
* Whole grains and bran
* Soy products
Митът за високото съдържание на желязо в спанака е разбит отдавна. В много източници спанакът дори се посочва като инхибитор за усвояване на желязото.
Ето една таблица, в която са посочени различни храни (за съжаление и месо) и съдържанието на желязо в тях за 100гр.
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